We supported the town planning board in studying the properties and ultimately designating it an Area in Need of Redevelopment. Studies addressed traffic, environmental concerns, cultural resources, and impacts to infrastructure in this Revolutionary War-era city. We worked with the planning board, other consultants, and the community to craft and gain approval for a redevelopment plan.
Subsequently, we supported the designated redeveloper, Mill Creek Residential, with survey; site/civil, geotechnical, utility, and traffic engineering; landscape architectural services; and environmental services to deliver Phases I and II of the redevelopment. Phase I, known as Modera 44, includes 268 apartments and the extension of an existing roadway, open spaces, and streetscape landscaping. Phase II, known as Modera 55, includes 185 apartments, the extension of a public laneway right-of-way, open spaces, and streetscape landscaping.
Mill Creek Residential; Town of Morristown, NJ
- Engineering
- Environmental
- Geospatial, Mapping and Survey
- Real Estate and Commercial Development